create shareable loops and playlists using simple URL tokens
or #v=KA7fuPHnNyE&t=60;69.8&v=ZuHZSbPJhaY&t=1h;1h4.5s
Basic Syntax
a video (.webm, .mp4 URL or YouTube ID) #v=<video>[&t=<start>[;<end>]]
an image (.png, .jpg, .gif URL or Imgur ID) #i=<image>[&t=<duration>]
a sound (SoundCloud Path) #s=<path/sound>[&t=<start>[;<end>]]
keyboard shortcuts
- ? – display help (toggle)
- f – fullscreen (toggle)
- spacebar – play/pause player (toggle)
- ← / → – seek 5s (add ctrl to seek 30s)
- k / j – jump to previous/next video (in playlists with multiple videos)
- h / l – jump to previous/next interval (if a video has more than one)
- - / + – volume control
- [ / ] – decrease/increase playback speed (YouTube)
- m – mute video (toggle)
- x – panic button: mute, pause and hide player (toggle)
- b – hide player, but keep playing audio in background (toggle)
- r – jump to random item on playlist
- e – playlist editor (toggle)
- s – display short URL for current playlist